10 Tips w 10 Days to Go - Point 2 Pinnacle by Cameron Allshorn

Only a week to go before the run to the pinnacle begins. Here are 10 quick tips to help you to the top injury free.

  1. Warm Up - Stretching cold can be counterintuitive so it is best to do your stretches after a  short warm up jog.

  2. Dynamic V Static stretching - Dynamic stretching is great for pre event/exercise stretching as it helps with joint mobility and muscle flexibility while static stretching is a great addition to post run cool down.  

  3. Don’t bounce - When stretching it is important not to force or bounce past the barrier of the muscle. This can cause the muscle to spasm and tighten up once the stretch is over.

  4. Timing is everything - holding a stretch for the incorrect amount of time can be wasteful it is important to hold for 15-20 seconds each side.


  5. Single Leg Arabesque (Dynamic): Standing, lift right leg to a 90/90 position. Reach both arms out in front and begin to bend forward, as lumbar flexion begins, extend the right leg to a straight extended position. Should feel stretch in left hamstring. (this is also a great exercise for glutes and abdominal function as well as overall balance.

6. Hamstring Stretch (Static): Standing perpendicular to something of knee to mid thigh height, with one leg further forward. Place elbows on surface and flex through lumbars. Gradually move knee of forward leg forward until stretch is felt. Alternatively this can be modified to using a wall if no applicable surface can be found.

Thoracic Rotation + Psoas Stretch

7. Thoracic Rotation + Hip Mobility (Dynamic): Start in a push up position, step forward with one leg, Lower arm of the same side until elbow is touching ground. Reach with same arm reach towards the ceiling (rotating through the thoracic region). Kneel back onto the back leg allowing the forward leg to come into a straight position.

8. Thoracic/Lumbar Rotation + Psoas Stretch (Dynamic): Start in a lunge position, upon reaching the end of the lunge rotate through the body towards the side of the forward leg. Return to the middle and step forward with the back leg maintaining the lunge position and repeat.

Gastrocnemius/Soleus Stretch (Calf)

9. Calf Warm up/stretch (Dynamic): Create an angle by leaning towards a fence or wall. Replicate normal gait motion. This is best done in four parts. Toes forward, Toes pointing out, toes pointing in and toes forward with knee bent (to engage the soleus muscle)

10. Figure 4 Stretch (Static): Seated with one leg straight and the other bent to replicate a 4, reach forward with both arms to touch toes of straight leg.


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