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Headaches from an Osteopathic perspective

By Cameron Allshorn

Headaches are one of the most common disorders across the world and likely something that most will encounter at some stage during life. For many this becomes a debilitating, limiting and repeating process.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that 50% of the global adult population has reported a headache in the past 12 months (1). 30% of those indicated presence of migraine while around 4% of people reported 15 or more headache days per month (1). Often we see people who have suffered from chronic and repetitive headaches for many years but help is out there and Osteopaths can be a part of that network. 

Common Headache Types:

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The starting point of a headache may be attributed to a variety of intrinsic origins like muscle tightness, joint dysfunction as well as influence from external forces (such as sleep, stress, mental health, diet, nutrition and exercise habits) . As osteopaths we work to improve the function of muscle, bone and joints alike to restore and maintain a balanced working body and managing headaches are no exception. As Osteopaths, some of the areas we will look at when managing and treating a headache presentation include cervical, thoracic and rib function as well as observing your breathing and diaphragm control.

  • The relationship of the head and neck is key to managing symptoms.

  • Often there can be an underlying restriction or dysfunction that is causing a disruption to multiple subconscious body functions such as blood and air flow.

  • A key function of this fluid flow is to drive the oxygen our brains crave and thus are so important to our cognitive function.

  • Disruption to these fluid dynamics can be part of what is driving the recurrent nature of chronic headaches in some cases. 

  • As osteopaths we will work to restore this balance and improve these functions in addition to addressing muscular tightness and/or joint restriction.

The overall picture is important which is why when managing a headache presentation we will often get people to complete 2 weeks of a headache diary to track and isolate potential triggers and causes so that they can be addressed. This provides us as practitioners a broader perspective on your headaches and how they relate to your lifestyle. (In the case of headaches caused by the female hormonal/menstrual cycle, an 8 week diary would be recommended)

Helpful links:

Headache Australia (Migraine and Headache diaries:




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